This packed one-day programme takes the core themes of IP value creation and strategic corporate IP best practice and discusses them from both the Australian and New Zealand standpoints, with particular attention to innovation-based growth, IP risk mitigation and international expansion strategies.

“Opportunity Asia” discussion

Managing partner, Brett Lunn will be moderating the 10:45am session “Opportunity Asia”. During this session the speakers consisting of Alan Karabardak, Rebecca McCracken, Benjamin Mitra-Kahn, Kenneth Oplinger, and Daniel Widera will share their experiences and insights. The panel will discuss the support available to Australian companies looking to expand abroad from an IP perspective and open up the discussion on seeking IP protection in Asia.

About IPBC Australasia

Built on IAM’s extensive relationships within the Australian and NZ IP communities, IPBC Australasia is specifically designed for senior IP executives at the region’s leading corporates, research institutions and governmental agencies, plus emerging companies from across the industry spectrum.

For more information visit IPBC Australasia.